My Writing

It was in my early twenties that I thought I might write a book one day, I thought it would be called Popcorn In My Pocket. Through decades of introspection and exploration, not to mention writing, re-writing, and the guidance of experienced literary professionals, it has finally come to life. My first book is now titled; My Name Is Love: We’re Not All That Different and was released in October 2023.

Get it, read it, review it, and be sure to let me know how it landed for you.



Troy Hadeed tells a different kind of love story, one that we all play a part in writing. His quest to understand the human experience and dissolve our sense of separateness makes this story not so much his own, but one that belongs to us all. With a mingling of reflections, teachings and storytelling, he takes us on an authentic and vulnerable journey of introspection.

Some of our teachers along the way include an angel with a kiss of faith, a child on the streets of Calcutta, a mosquito that births compassion, and a spiritual teacher in a gas station.  

This is not a book that tells us what to do or provides us with feel-good affirmations or far-out solutions. With lightheartedness and a subtle sense of urgency, it invites us to ask questions that reveal where we can do better and how it all applies to our lives.

When we get ourselves out of the way, we discover there is only one answer; Love



By one of those divinely inspired synchronicities of the virtual world, we came across Troy Hadeed and found an inspiring, rigorous, and devoted yoga teacher, kindred spirit, and alchemical ally. One of those rare and daring mavericks of healing who devote their lives to the cause of love, the alleviation of suffering, and the transformation of human consciousness. My Name Is Love offers the reader a direct link to Troy’s teaching as well as his heart and soul. It is an opportunity to travel with a wise, generous, and charismatic guide through the challenges and joys of this spiritual journey. What more can we say but “Read it!”

— Lorie Eve Dechar and Benjamin Fox / Authors of The Alchemy of Inner Work: A Guide for Turning Illness & Suffering into True Health & Well-Being

This book is a radical teaching! It bears the scratches of that very unique someone who has gone first. A real leader (or teacher) is a person who points us back into our hearts: this work inspires and provides ‘the beats.’ Divine learning is had in the reading of Troy‘s book, and it is a lullaby for the soul. Not to lull us into sleep but rather awaken us to our inevitable potential.

— Troy Turi / Yoga Teacher & Writer - Vancouver, Canada